september was pathetic. I run a total of 72 miles spread in only 9 runs! dublin was getting closer and I was getting lazier. I didn't want to give up the idea of doing dublin, 'cause this might be my last year in this city and I wanted to do this mara once. I love the idea of a race around the place where I live. so I thought: "I'll do dublin as a walk but THERE IS NO WAY I'm doing florence...."

but last weekend something happened. I went to rome for a "running weekend" with some of the people I met on my italian blog. we are now a community of 60 bloggers who leave comments in each others' blogs and we've decided to form a group (a bit like fetch, but smaller). we are the BLOGTROTTERS. the meeting coincided with a 10k that we all run with the same t-shirts.

it was a lovely weeekend. 3 days of eating, drinking wine, chatting and running. what was great about my race was the fact that one of the faster guy, once he finished his race, came back to find me and push me through the last 2 ks which ended up being the fastest ones. even though my time wasn't good (1:00:13) I seem to have found my lost mojo.

Not only have I been out twice this week I have also entered florence marathon. So now the idea is to use dublin as a long run and try to do florence in a decent time. there will be many fetchies in dublin and many blogtrotters in florence, so it's going to be a nice party too!!



  1. Em said...
    Glad you found your lost mojo :)
    Maybe it's to do with the change in seasons, cos I've lost mine too at the moment.
    Susie Hewer said...
    Yay, glad you're back in there! Hope you're luckier than me in the FLM ballot though - I got my rejection fleece this morning.
    monica said...
    :( :( sorry about that. are you not going to run for charity?

    I don't really know how the overseas ballot works and whether I should expect a magazine soon.

    em - mojo comes and goes :) have you entered a race? that normally works for me

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