how is it that only a 2 week break from running and a couple of pounds more on my waist line make me feel as if I had never run before in my entire life??? I know, I know, things will be easier in a couple of weeks, but right now things are quite depressing. today I did 6.23 miles which is the furthest I've run since newry and it was hard. it's quite unreal to think that I can actually run 26.2 miles...

while I was running today I was thinking about my adventurous return to dublin. first of all I missed the plane: I went to the airport on thursday convinced that my flight was on the 10th only to find out that I was supposed to leave the day before. DOH! so I had to book another flight which left on friday. we took off 2 hours after we boarded the plane and the most annoying thing was that I was sitting next to an italian guy who was really annoying! one of the things that came to my mind while I was running today was his theory about mixed relationships. apparently he has noticed that relationships between italian women and irish men work, whereas those between italian men and irish women don't. he knows why: it's because, he said, irish women are too independent, aggressive and don't know how to cook!!! Can you believe that?? he thought that that was a good reason and that his theory was clever! and then you ask me why I left my country????


  1. Andrew said...
    Sorry you're feeling so rotten... but you're right, in a cpouple of weeks you'll be back on top!

    Did you run on Saturday? I didn't see you and can't see your name on the results site...

    Oh, and that theory might have some merit, I have 2 male friends that are seeing Italian women... but none the other way around...

    Phil said...
    Great post because this exactly how i feel at the moment. Im getting some good distance and feel ok while doing them but i feel so run down before and after. Usually i feel quite good. Looking at my diet hmmmm.
    monica said...
    andy - I didn't. I felt exhausted on saturday morning. How did your race go?
    as for the theory, it might be true that there are more couple italian men+irish women (even if i don't think so) but I thought that was very sexist.

    p.hill - what marathon are you training for?
    Em said...
    Grr sexist men grr!!! A bloke in Turkey looked astounded that I didn't have children, and made some comment about it'd be too late soon. That went down well.

    And I know how you feel about the running. I've hardly been in 4 weeks, and it's a real struggle at the moment.
    monica said...
    some men can make my blood boil!! that why I am still single???? :))))))
    Phil said...
    The Snowdon Marathon

    Andrew said...
    The race went OK but my knees started ache towards the end... is this age creeping up on me?

    I'm way behind with my blog entries... updating now!!

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