1) I am back in london after 3 years and I am loving it :)
2) I am back in training!
I am not following any plan. I am just started to to build back the mileage and then, when 2010 comes, I'll start training for a spring marathon....whoohooo!!! still haven't decided which one....let's leave it open!
I am living in an area in london that I didn't know and I am enjoying going out there to discover new running routes. there are nice parks around here, but the 'bad' thing is that it is very very hilly and I DO hate hills.
there's one that I call "the hill of death"! yesterday though it seemed to have gotten shorter somehow!

this week I went out 3 times out of the planned 4 but yesterday I did some cross training as I walked for 2 hours in Hapmstead heath!!

wed: 10k
friday: 8k
sunday 12k!!!!

total of 30k, more than 18miles...I am pleased with it!!
Labels: general
oh yeah!! today was the last day of juneathon and I completed the challenge with a 5 mile run. I am pleased with how it went, apart from the conference week in which I run only twice :( next year it will be much better :)
so here are my stats:
Juneathon summary
1/30: 3.73 miles (run)
2/30: 5 miles (run)
3/30: 3.12 miles (run)
4/30: 5 miles (run)
5/30: cross-training + free weights (50')
6/30: 2 miles (run)
7/30: 7.5 miles (run)
8/30: 12.6 miles (cycling)
9/30: 1 mile (walk)
10/30: 5 miles (run)
11/30: 5.5 miles (run)
12/30: 1.5 mile (walk)
13/30: 3 miles (run)
14/30: 11 miles (run)
15/30: 1 mile (walk)
16/30: 5 miles (run)
17/30: 5.6 miles (run)
18/30 walk
19/30: walk
20/30: walk
21/30: 4.5 miles (run)
22/30: sit ups
23/30: sit ups
24/30: 5.6 miles (run)
25/30: 5.86 miles (run)
26/30: 4.37miles (run)
27/30: 4.37 miles (run)
28/30: 13.92 miles (cycling)
29/30: 2 miles (walk)
30/30: 5 miles (run)
total run: 92 miles
total cycling: 26.6 miles
total walking: 6 miles (approximately)
running days: 18
cycling days: 2
x-training days: 1
walking days:7
sit-ups days:2
calories burnt: 11,958!!! (not telling you how many cals I ate though!)
juneathon hours: 19
Labels: juneathon
I managed to go for a run on sunday along the beach in dun laoghaire and that was really really lovely: beautiful landscape and perfect temperature (13c and cloudy): 4.5 miles

Juneathon summary
1/30: 3.73 miles (run)
2/30: 5 miles (run)
3/30: 3.12 miles (run)
4/30: 5 miles (run)
5/30: cross-training + free weights (50')
6/30: 2 miles (run)
7/30: 7.5 miles (run)
8/30: 12.6 miles (cycling)
9/30: 1 mile (walk)
10/30: 5 miles (run)
11/30: 5.5 miles (run)
12/30: 1.5 mile (walk)
13/30: 3 miles (run)
14/30: 11 miles (run)
15/30: 1 mile (walk)
16/30: 5 miles (run)
17/30: 5.6 miles (run)
18/30 walk
19/30: walk
20/30: walk
21/30: 4.5 miles (run)
22/30: sit ups
23/30: sit ups
24/30: 5.6 miles (run)
total run: 71.55 miles
total cycling: 12.6 miles
total walking: 4 miles (approximately)
Labels: juneathon

we only paid 2 euros each (!!!!!). we could choose to do 6k - 12k - 18k and along the course the drink stations were really cool. one every 3k with water, water and lemon (very good for my stupid tummy), pieces of oranges and lemons, biscuits, toasted bread with jam, sport drinks....2 euros!!!! on top of that the course was stunning. we had access to the gardens of some venician villas (I live just outside venice now) which you normally have to pay to see. my dad and I run together for most of the time and finished together. after we crossed the line, the feast continued with free (included in the 2 euros that is) sandwiches, cherries, water, wine and beer, yoghurt. I was truly impressed. Another good thing about this type of races is that you have all sort of people running it, and walking it...so all the annoying competitive crap that I have to see in normal races over here is not there!!!
I finished in 1:59...very slow, I know, but it was the longest distance attempted after the injury pause. Plus, it was hot, too hot for me...it was 28c and I am not used to that anymore. It's good that they start so early in the morning.
Now I have a nice sun tan :)
my juneathon this week went quite well even though I had to opt twice to just go out for a short walk. Once for girly pain, once because I walked in venice all day, and if you have been there you know that that can kill you!! all those streets and bridges!
juneathon - summary
1/30: 3.73 miles (run)
2/30: 5 miles (run)
3/30: 3.12 miles (run)
4/30: 5 miles (run)
5/30: cross-training + free weights (50')
6/30: 2 miles (run)
7/30: 7.5 miles (run)
8/30: 12.6 miles (cycling)
9/30: 1 mile (walk)
10/30: 5 miles (run)
11/30: 5.5 miles (run)
12/30: 1.5 mile (walk)
13/30: 3 miles (run)
14/30: 11 miles (run)
total run: 50.85 miles
total cycling: 12.6 miles
total walking: 2.5 miles
Labels: juneathon
so here comes a quick summary:
5/30: I decided that 5 consecutive days of running was a bit too much. so I opted for some cross training. as you know (or maybe you don't) I am back at my parents' house for the summer and my mum has got a collection of tools to exercise as she hates the gym. quite handy, really! One of these is a sort of elliptic machine which squeaks like mad. I hopped on and did 30'. I thought I was going to kill myself after that, but I didn't and I am happy to tell you that I am still alive, therefore blogging. but it was BORING and NOISY! after that I did some free weights exercises and I played with the hula hop :)
6/30: short jog
7/30: I attempted 12km. I managed to complete the run but I was really knackered at the end. I can believe I ran marathons!!!! I am very grateful to the friends that stopped along the route (the village is tiny and the route is a walking path along a canal): they gave a good excuse to stop and breathe :)
anyways. I finished my first week of juneathon having completed 26.3 miles!!!! yay me!!
yesterday I was too tired to try and run again, especially after the 12km killer run so I hopped on my city bike and did 20km. I was very pleased with that.
not sure what I'll do today.
juneathon - summary
1/30: 3.73 miles (run)
2/30: 5 miles (run)
3/30: 3.12 miles (run)
4/30: 5 miles (run)
5/30: cross-training + free weights (50')
6/30: 2 miles (run)
8/30: 7.5 miles (run)
9/30: 12.6 miles (cycling)
total run: 26.3 miles
total cycling: 12.6 miles
Labels: juneathon
today I went out a bit earlier than usual 'cause it didn't feel that hot and probably it wasn't. I mean, there were probably 25 degrees. which is not 36....that'll come soon. so anyway I went out at 6:45pm and the first ks were really tough. my legs felt heavy and my breathing laboured. I got unitl the end of the first half of the path, ready to cross the road to get to the second half of it but it was closed due to road work. I turned aroung a bit disappointed and tried to finish my planned 5 miles. by mile 3 I started to feel much stronger but I was sweating so much it was unbelieavable!! my eyes burnt, stupid sweat! I think it's time to invest some euros in a nice hat.
so there you have it:
5 miles in 51 minutes
pace - 10:17
juneathon - summary
1/30: 3.73 miles (run)
2/30: 5 miles (run)
3/30: 3.12 miles (run)
4/30: 5 miles (run)
total: 16.85 miles (run)
Labels: juneathon
I have decided to dust my blog off to celebrate my second attemp at completing juneathon. Last year i failed miserably due to a stupid allergy test. this year nothing will stop me...maybe!!
so 3 days have been done and dusted...three days of running!
1/30: 6km
2/30: 8km
3/30: 5km
clinck on the day for evidence:
so far so good :)
I haven't been blogging in a while so here is an update:
a) I had to stop running for 3 months due to injury (ITB).
b) I am back to italy for the summer....and it's getting quite hot
Labels: juneathon